Why do we need wrapper classes?
What are peerless components in java programming?
What is the difference between checked exception and unchecked exception?
Why java uses the concept of the string literal?
where final and static variable stored?
What is the r character?
How would you convert bytes to string?
What is class array in java?
string is immutable? right every one knows that, my question is it advantage or disadvantage making string immutable?
What is a native method?
How to Create A Wapper Class in core Java and Why are Use in java?
perpare on factorypattern,linklist wothout using collection, (multitharding ie create producer/customer therad producer create Queue continuesly,consumer consume queue, consumer wait if queue is full,producer wait if queue is empty),diff betn sleep(1000)&wait(1000) these r the main Q ask in huawei(2008)
Why super is first line in java?