How do you list a file’s date and time?
What is the mean of function?
being a chemical engineer and with an aggregate of 80% why you opt for TCS and not your core industry?
What is #include in c?
code for concatination of 2 strings with out using library functions?
Is the exit() function same as the return statement? Explain.
0 Answers Agilent, ZS Associates,
How can I find out how much memory is available?
Is boolean a datatype in c?
helllo sir , what is the main use of the pointer ,array ,and the structure with the example of a programe
What is Bitwise Operator and how it works?
I completed my (IT). Actually I want to develop virtual object that which will change software technology in the future. To develop virtual object what course I have to take. can I any professor to help me.
difference between Low, Middle, High Level languages in c ?
What is the difference between local variable and global variable in c?