Kautilya has fully discussed the duties and responsibilities
of the king in his treatise named:
(a) Prince
(b) Arthasastra
(c) Republic
(d) None of these
Which one of the following digestive enzymes is present in the saliva? (A) Amylase (B) Lipase (C) Ptyalin (D) Trypsin
The highest transmission voltage in the country?at present?is: (A) 22 kV (B) 320 kV (C) 400 kV (D) 450 kV
Which of the following Indian state/states does/do not share the border with Assam? 1 Sikkim and Tripura 2 West Bengal 3 Sikkim 4 Mizoram
Which of the following describes India as a secular state ? a) Fundamental Rights b) Ninth Schedule c) Directive Principles d) Peramble to the Constitution
What is the maximum period during which the Parliament cannot meet? (a) Not more than one year (b) Not more than six months (c) Not more than five months (d) Not more than nine months
17th Parallel divides : (a) India and Pakistan (b) South and North America (c) North and south Korea (d) North and south Vietnam
Bagasse, a by-product of sugar manufacturing industry, is used for the production of 1 Nylon 2 Glass 3 Paper 4 Alcohol
Who amongst the following won the Four-Nation Telestra Challenge Women?s Jr.Hockey series held in May 1999? 1 South Africa 2 Australia 3 South Korea 4 India
. Which one of the following types of erosion is responsible for the formation of Chambal Ravines? (a) Splash (b) Sheet (c) Rill (d) Gully
The District with 100% Literacy in India is (1) Trivandrum (2) Kurnool (3) Ernakulam (4) Chandigarh
To politicians and leaders from two different nations were recently in London for one wholw day where they met some to flight British politicians, shook hands with the same people and talked about the same issues like cross border terrorism, peace plant etc. Theses two leaders were 1 Atal Bihari Vajpayee & Jamali 2 Gen Musharraf & L.K.Advani 3 Jamali & L.K.Advani 4 None of these
Any foreign particle which stimulates the formation of antibodies is called ? a) Histone b) Antigen c) Receptor d) Antibiotic