What are the components of the asp.net ajax architecture? : asp.net ajax
How do we get the xmlhttprequest object in ajax?
Which are the trigger types that we find in update panel?
When not to use JSON?
What are the components of the ASP.NET Ajax Client Library?
Will html_ajax integrate with other javascript ajax libraries such as scriptaculous?
What is the difference between proxied and proxyless calls?
What does the minimumprefixlength property of the autocompleteextender control do? : asp.net ajax
What does the dynamicpopulateextender control do? : asp.net ajax
In ajax does the client or the sever have the control?
What are the real web applications of ajax currently running in the market?
What's new in .Net 3.5
List the different states of xmlhttprequest with their description? : asp.net ajax