What is servlet tunnelling?
Can we refresh servlet in client and server side automatically?
What do you mean by interservlet communication?
What is filter? Can filter be used as request or response?
What is pure servlet?
Hi frnds iam new to Java Kindy any one can provide or me Servlets Example code and can explain to me flow of servlets and as Jsp and Struts and provide to me some sample example on these 3 topic flow,code example,and tutorials,and related websites which i can refer....thanks in advance..........
What is the life cycle of a servlet?
What do you mean by httpservlet and how it is different from the genericservlet?
What is the use of httpservletrequestwrapper?
what is the advantage of using Servlets over CGI programming?
why business logic written using servlets not in jsp. Jsp used for presentation purpose. serlvet used for coding business logic and controller logic. Reason for using servlets in business logic.
What are the different methods involved in generic servlet?
Hi guys.. Well can u tell me that why there is need of "init()" , i mean why can not we initialize the servlet object with the help of constructors? Thank you.