The mammals that lives at the greatest altitude is?
How many days does the fertilized ovum in human beings takes before reaching the uterus?
what is orthogonal matrix?
What are mitochondria? Why are they called as "power house" of a cell?
Define what is a cola’s favorite food?
Which is the world’s largest living reptile?
Which has the thickest skin of any living animal?
Name the animal which is hyena family eats insects?
Is Human Egg Alecithal or Microlecithal?
what particular feild in zoology would you say is the most challenging feild
With me wanting to go into the feild of zoology what kind of things should i be looking forward to learning as well as the type of degrees I would have to earn to get to the next level in furthuring my study to become a zoologist
common characteristics of parrot, platybus and kangaroo
How would you differentiate between the terms 'foetus' and 'embryo'?