Can we make one component inherit styles/css from a parent component, or must we always define it in the component ? : salesforce lightning component
Mention what are the actions available in workflow?
What is sandbox and why do we use sandbox in salesforce?
Let’s say that you have an app that contains a component mycmp.cmp with a ui:button component. During initialization, the init() event is fired in what order?
Define ‘WhatID' and 'WhoID'.
Explain communities and sites in salesforce?
What are external Ids? Does external ids are unique in salesforce? : salesforce objects & fields
Is mass deletion of reports possible in salesforce?
What are Business Hours?
Which component in salesforce ends with __mdt and __s ?
Types of Sharing Rules in Salesforce and Explain it?
What does a custom object permit the user to do?
What is recursive workflow rule? How to avoid recursive workflow rules?