In howmany ways a thread can be created?

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In howmany ways a thread can be created?..

Answer / harish

There are two different ways to create a Thread. One is
extends Thread class and implement Runnable Interface.
Better to go for Runnable interface. It will have a method
run(). You should override in the sub class. Even, you
can extend another class to the same thread class.

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In howmany ways a thread can be created?..

Answer / rajshekhar

There are 2 ways to create a thread
1.By extending thread class
2.and the second one is by implementing runnable
interface.among the two the second one is more common and
better to use.

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In howmany ways a thread can be created?..

Answer / ranganathkini

1. Extending the Thread class
2. Implementing Runnable interface in a class and then
passing its reference to a new Thread.
3. Creating an anonymous class to extend the Thread class.
4. Creating an anonymous class to implement the Runnable
interface and then passing its reference to a new Thread.

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