the number of measuring units from a arbitrary starting point in a record area or control block to some other point
a) branching
b) recording pointer
c) none
d) offset
Explain what is the concatenation operator?
how do u find out the number of 1's in the binary representation of a decimal number without converting it into binary(i mean without dividing by 2 and finding out the remainder)? three lines of c code s there it seems...can anyone help
how to print 212 as Twohundreds twelve plz provide me ans soon
How can I invoke another program or command and trap its output?
writw a program to insert an element in the begning of a doubly linked list
The performance of an operation in several steps with each step using the output of the preceding step a) recursion b) search c) call by value d) call by reference
p*=(++q)++*--p when p=q=1 while(q<=6)
program to find the ASCII value of a number
Write a program to enter the name and age. If age>28 then find salary categories. if age<28 then find that you are gaduate or not.
What is indirection?
int a=2,b=3,c=4; printf("a=%d,b=%d\n",a,b,c); what is the o/p?
code for concatination of 2 strings with out using library functions?