When do you not use the keyword 'return' when defining a function
a) Always
b) Never
c) When the function returns void
d) dfd
Which control loop is recommended if you have to execute set of statements for fixed number of times?
Write the syntax and purpose of a switch statement in C.
What is getche() function?
WAP to accept basic salary of an employee? Calculate it HRA=25%,DA=30%,PF=30%&net salary display all contents?
6 Answers Finite Infotech, Lovely Professional University, Wipro,
What is string function in c?
Why isnt any of this standardized in c?
Write a program to print factorial of given number without using recursion?
I didn't count the ducks that I saw in line, but I do remember that one duck was in front of two ducks, another duck behind two ducks. How many ducks did I see?
How can I call system when parameters (filenames, etc.) Of the executed command arent known until run time?
Is main is a keyword in c?
what will be the output of this program main() { int i=1; while (i<=10); { i++; } }
Here is alphabets : abcdefgh 1) how to reverse. as hgfedcba 2) after reversal, how to group them in a pair hg fe dc ba.