a) scanf() and printf()
b) gets() and puts()
c) getchar() and putchar()
d) all the above
how many types of operators are include in c language a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 12
What are the types of c language?
#include<stdio.h> main() {int i=1;j=1; for(;;) {if(i>5) break; else j+=1; printf("\n%d",j) i+=j; } }
What do you mean by c what are the main characteristics of c language?
what is the purpose of the code, and is there any problem with it. unsigned int v[10]; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < 10) v[i] = i++;
What is optimization in c?
Calculate the weighted average of a list of n numbers using the formula xavg = f1x1+f2x2+ ….+ fnxn where the f’s are fractional weighting factors, i.e., 0<=fi<1, and f1+f2+….+fn = 1
What is scope and lifetime of a variable in c?
To what value are pointers initialized? 1) NULL 2) Newly allocated memory 3) No action is taken by the compiler to initialize pointers.
Where static variables are stored in memory in c?
The variables are int sum=10,SuM=20; these are same or different?
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