is it possible to create your own header files?
Explain how do you declare an array that will hold more than 64kb of data?
can we execute the program with the object file
What is the exact difference between '\0' and ""
main() { int i=5; printf("%d%d%d%d",i++,i--,i); }
Explain the importance and use of each component of this string: Foo.Bar, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=593777ae2d274679d
Explain how can a program be made to print the line number where an error occurs?
what are the facialities provided by you after the selection of the student.
Is file a keyword in c?
What is non linear data structure in c?
CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP ON THIS PROGRAM FOR MY EXAM..TQ Write a C program to help a H’s Restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. Your assignment should implement the following items: a. Show the customer the different breakfast items offered by the H’s Restaurant. b. Allow the customer to select more than one item from the menu. c. Calculate and print the bill to the customer. d. Produce a report to present your complete program and show more sample output. Assume that the H’s Restaurant offers the following breakfast menu: Plain Egg $2.50 Bacon and Egg $3.45 Muffin $2.20 French Toast $2.95 Fruit Basket $3.45 Cereal $0.70 Coffee $1.50 Tea $1.80 Your program must do the following task below: a. Define the data structs, menu item types with two components: menu item of type string and menu price of type double. Use an array to declare the data structs. b. Function get data to loads the data into the array menu list. c. Function show menu to show the different breakfast items offered by the restaurant and tell the user how to select the items. d. Function print receipt to calculates and prints the customer receipt. The billing amount should include a 5% tax. e. Format your output with two decimal places. The name of each item in the output must be left-justify. You may assume that the user selects only one item of a particular type. f. The two sample output as shown: Welcome to HiFi’s Restaurant 1 Bacon and Egg $3.45 1 Muffin $2.20 1 Coffee $1.50 Tax 5% $0.35 Amount Due $7.50
why we use "include" word before calling the header file. is there any special name for that include??????
Q.1 write a program to create binary tree 1 to 16 numbers? Q.2 write a program to creat a binary search tree for the member that is given by user?