A steady current is flowing through a solenoid. If a bundle
of soft iron is inserted in the coil, then the magnetic
field inside the solenoid
(1) increases
(2) decreases
(3) remains unaffected
(4) increases first and then decreases
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i am appearing for section enginner(electrical) inRRB OF SECUNDERABAD . how should i prepare for it and what books should be followed
Transistors are mainly (a) Electricity-powered devices (b) Current-powered devices (c) voltage-powered devices (d) resistance-powered devices
i want the study material for the post of je(electronics) plz send me study material
Where is the famous historical site Hampi situated? (a) Bijapur (b) Bellary (c) Gulbarga (d) Raichur
Dear sir, i am appearing for rail way recruitment board assistant loco pilot i request you to please send previous question and answer.
please send the last 5 years {{{JUNIOR ENGINEER GR11- ELECTICAL, ELECTRONICS RRB Thiruvanathapuram}}} TECHNICAL, General Knowledge,and Aptitude question papers TO MY EMAIL- ID mbikash@ymail.com
Q: The marked price of an object is rs 1920. The shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% and gains 8%. If no discount is allowed his gain percent would be? I need complete solution pls help me
3 Answers Indian Railways, L&T,
Plz. send all RRB's Question set for ass. station Master on my mail.
sir, iam preparing for locopilot exams ITI(ELEC) Please can you mail me the model paper&syllabus for exam thanking you shankar
sir please send me the last 5 years rrb solved question papers my email id: revathi_engr@yahoo.co.in
hello sir.iam bhavani.iam doing btech 4th year,eletronics and communication branch.i want to write rrb exams.whether iam eligible to write rrb exams which give notifications may be on january.if yes ,please send previous papers to my mail bhavani_0405@yahoo.co.in
Al Ahram is the newspaper published from (1) Karachi (2) Cairo (3) Baghdad (4) Kabul