Differentiate “find a method” from “select method” in EJB ?
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Describe client view of an Enterprise JavaBeans component?
How to create ejb project in eclipse?
How enterprise beans will handle concurrent and loopback calls on entity beans?
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1 Answers Business Architectures, College School Exams Tests, HCL,
How is ejb different from java beans?
How to generate ejb stubs in eclipse?
How is an entity bean created?
What optimization could I use if the ejb container is the only point of write access to the database?
Which is more beneficial: Stateful or Stateless Bean?
Enlist the enterprise beans types?
What is bean in ejb?
For ejb applications with bean-managed transaction demarcations, which of the following is used by the client to get a reference to the usertransaction object for the weblogic server domain?