Which class is the immediate superclass of the Container
Is a method a function?
What is the difference between stream and buffer?
what is the use of clone() in real time scenario?
I have an HashMap object, which has with key and value pair. It has 10 keys and values in that object. Now the question is I want insert new key and value in middle or any where in that list but not at the end or at the top. Is it possible or not. If yes how can we achieve this one?
Is it correct to say that due to garbage collection feature in java, a java program never goes out of memory?
how many ways to create Thread and which one is good? runnable interface ot Thread class?
can we create a instance for intwerface?
How do you create a sop?
What is the difference between Byte stream and Charecter Stream?
What is compareto () in java?
How do you sort arrays in java?
What is meant by Static query and Dynamic query?