What is the symbol used for shifting fields in SDA?
how would you design the process for a nightly, high volume check producing process that needs to select only records that are flagged to be processed?
how can i convert hexadecimal value to packed value?
what are the various types of device files?
How do you check object lock
A join logical file has how many record formats?
What is the purpose of FRCDTA (Force Data) keyword?
Is it necessary to define all formats ? Which are mandatory and which are Optional ?
what is the maximum number of parameters allowed in rpg?
What is the purpose of the following FORDHDR1 CF E WORKSTN $2SFN SFILE FMT2
How do I remove a flag or check no. or name when a user opens too many sessions?
1.what are the builtin funtions in cl pgg?Explain with example 2.what is meant by left outer join?where we can use this?
what are indicators?