What are the valid user defined data area types?
records can be read/update/deleted with which file?
which are the relational operators in rpg?
Can we add or remove the module object from service Program..and how...?
What Is The Difference Between Goto & Exsr?
what is the length of a variable in rpg?
what are the various types of device files?
I have to execute 12000 CL Commands one by one.. So, I have created a file called COMMAND. This file has only 1 field called STRING. This file had 12000 records, and all these records are CL Commands (ex: CALL PGM(PGM1)), etc) I have written a CL which will read all the record and do sbmjob.. But it is not working... Plz help me to exexute all these 12000 commands..
define the purpose of the *bcat function?
How can we arrange duplicate records in a file?
what is the clp command to access a query/400?
Can anybody know what is Pick/Basic? Is it a programming language? can it be used in AS400 machine?
what does the ovrdbf command do?