Write a program which returns the first non repetitive character in the string?
If you know then define #pragma?
what is the syallabus of computer science students in group- 1?
Is there any data type in c with variable size?
what is a constant pointer in C
what is the diff b/w static and non static variables in C. Give some examples plz.
How can I convert integers to binary or hexadecimal?
Define C in your own Language.
I need previous papers of CSC.......plz help out by posting them.......
What is difference between scanf and gets?
Draw a diagram showing how the operating system relates to users, application programs, and the computer hardware ?
On most computers additional memory that is accessed through an adapter of feature card along with a device driver program. a) user memory b) conventional memory c) expandedmemory d) area
How do I initialize a pointer to a function?