Program to find the sum of digits of a given number until the sum becomes a single digit. (e.g. 12345=>1+2+3+4+5=15=>1+5=6)
which one low Priority in c? a)=,b)++,c)==,d)+
What is pointer in c?
Why is c called c not d or e?
which is the best antivirus and how to update it
Which of these functions is safer to use : fgets(), gets()? Why?
What happens if a header file is included twice?
hello friends what do u mean by BUS ERROR i got this error while i am doing my program in DATA STRUCTURES
write a program to find out prime number using sieve case?
Why is a semicolon (;) put at the end of every program statement?
we compile c program in 32 processor and 64 bit processor .exe file is created in both the processors. if we want to run .exe file in 64 bit processor which is created in 32 bit processor. is that .exe file is run or not if it is not run why?
Define a structure to store roll no, name and marks of a student. Using the structure of above write a ‘C’ program to create a file “student.dat”. There must be one record for every student in the file. Accept the data from the user.
Which is the best website to learn c programming?