What is the difference between the Oracle ODBC driver and a Microsoft ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver?
How to create a new table in oracle?
5. Display full details from the ORDER_LINE table where the item number is (first condition) between 1 and 200 (no > or < operators) OR the item number is greater than 1000 AND (second condition) the item cost is not in the list 1000, 2000, 3000 OR the order number is not equal to 1000.
What is blob data type in oracle?
what is grid in Oracle 10g...
what is the syntax of DROP command?
How to create a stored function in oracle?
how can db_files > maxdatafiles since db_files is for instance and the later is for database
Using the relations and the rules set out in the notes under each relation, write table create statements for the relations EMPLOYEE, FIRE and DESPATCH. You should aim to provide each constraint with a formal name, for example table_column_pk.
why can't we assign not null constraint as table level constraint
What is oracle join syntax?
What happens to the indexes if a table is recovered?
Please explain joins in oracle?