what are the array operations?
can I touch the array during treatments?
Delete FileName at first statement in RPG.
how to check on which PF , the LF is dependant ?
As Packed veriable store 2 digits in 1 byte and ZONE variable store 1 digit in 1 byte... Please tell me when we have to use Packed and Zone variable...?
how do I preserve and clean the array?
without logical file we cannot access the data in physical file.but we specify physical file in the program(ie:- Ffile IF E k disk).how can it be accessed?
how can I tell when to replace the array?
I want to declare the number of elements of an array dynamically in RPGLE ? Is it possible? If yes, then how do I do it ?
1) How to declare a file? 2) How to define a display file? 3) How to monitor error messages in RPG? 4) How to find the attributes for subfiles? and what is the DDS for subfiles?
How can we receive values from a called procedure in CL?
Can any one plz explain the concept of INFSR, *PSSR, INFDS AND PSDS, I' confusing about PSDS and *PSSR, Wat is the difference btw them, wat PSDS will do????
What is the purpose of Panel Groups?