what is the maximum number of record formats in dspf?
what are various techniques to pass parameters from one program to another?
Which of the following operations does NOT zero the field FLDA defined as 4,0? C MOVE *ZEROS FLDA C Z-ADD *ZEROS FLDA C Z-ADD 0 FLDA C MOVE *ALL'0' FLDA C SUB FLDA FLDA C MOVE '0000' FLDA C CLEAR FLDA C MOVE *BLANKS FLDA
what is a program described file in rpg?
What is the difference between Interactive & Batch Job?
What is the type, length of a LDA?
Apart from opening of a file do we have any other use of USROPN?
What is journaling & Commitment Control?
How can the user implicitly open and close the files in RPG program ?
what is the necessary keyword for non-join logical file?
explain the use of dftwrt display keyword?
How to know message id (errorid) in msgfile when error is occurred on screen ? WRKMSF will display all error id but i want to know error id based on error msg only?
1 Answers IBM, Ignis Technologies, SSR,
which indicator is used for read?