what is the clp command to access a query/400?
when are the unique constraints executed?
Hi i have one question In my srvpgm one module ADDM is there now i want to add new module i.e SUBM , please answer me IN STEPS how to write bndlanguage and how it was attach to SRVPGM
What is the purpose of SFLNXTCHG keyword in a subfile?
How a field is renamed in rpg IV?..give answer with example?
What controls which printer a report goes to?
Define an Interactive Job?
what is the purpose of dynslt keyword?
what are the uses of factor1, factor2 and result field for the rpg operation code parm?
What is source physical file?
What Is The Difference Between Goto & Exsr?
I have 1 rd in my flat file. say reord from 1 to 10 position : 'AS400NDB2400' I need to change the value from N to Y using SQL stmt ...How can I update this....?
What Does Lokup Does In Tables & Arrays?