in conjunction with what other keyword must ovrdta and ovrata be used?
what is the rpg and cl life cycle?Please tell me any body
What is RETURN CURSER LOCATION in subfile?
which are control break logic indicators?
1) Suppose we call a pgm from CL, how come AS400 system knows whether the called pgm is to be interactive one or batch one? 2)How many members can exist in a PF?
Define an Interactive Job?
How to create files dynamically without DDS?
Is it necessary to define all formats ? Which are mandatory and which are Optional ?
How do I release jobs in queue and change a job destination to a different printer. I know wrkjobq but I have not worked with As/400 for a while,so_can someone help me?
what is the command to rtrieve system date? options:1.rtvsysval 2.rtvjoba 3.rtvjobd 4.both a and b
1.what operation cannot be used in conjunction with file coded as divice type disk? 2.Difference between INCLUDE AND COPY?
define what a data area is along with a brief example of what it may be used for?
what are different record spacing keywords in rlu ?