Which part of the blue prism interacts with applications?
What is blue prism work queue?
What is the difference between different text inputing methods?
What kind of systems can be motorized with rpa ( blue prism )?
What all are the exception handling strategies in blue prism ?
What do you understand by oid and pdi?
What is the use of deferred in blue prism?
When max attempts is greater than 1 the work queue will revive any exception cases by what in blue prism?
What do you comprehend by the composition arrange?
Consider the scenario – if the calculation1 have exception and it goes to recover and the calculation2 also have exception, what is the correction in this flow to go thru end stage without exception.
What is the main purpose of a process definition document (pdd)?
What is a rescource pc?
What are thick customers and flimsy customers?