If a parameter is used in a query without being previously
defined, what diff. exist betw. report 2.0 and 2.5 when the
query is applied ?
Difference between the “verify” and “feedback” command?
How many types of database triggers exist?
What is recovery manager(rman) backup in Oracle?
I am using an Oracle 8i Database my data contains Clob data. I am using toad version 7.6 i am able to get the data in toad but unable to extract the data in excel.when trying to extract the data into the excel the toad error says out of memory. Can any body please help me to extract the data through the same toad version. Thanks in advance
What is Hash Cluster ?
Youre getting high busy buffer waits - how can you find whats causing it?
How would you extract DDL of a table without using a GUI tool?
Explain the truncate in oracle?
How to rollback the current transaction in oracle?
Explain the dml?
What are the different pseudo commands? Explain in general?
Can we store images in oracle database?