What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it

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What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / kalyan

The most poisonous snake is the Inland Taipan found in
Australia whose venom can kill upto 600 (human)adults!!!

But the snake that records the most number of deaths is the
Russels Viper that claims more than 1000 lives every year.

Is This Answer Correct ?    29 Yes 9 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / sangeeta das

1)Black Mamba is the most Poisonous snake in West and
Southern African.
2)the king cobra is the most poisonous snake In India.
But the actually most venomous snake in the world is found
in Australia.
Also known as the Inland Taipan.
Distribution : Central Australia
Habitat : Dry Plains And Grasslands
Food : Frogs , Small Mammals
Breeding : Egg-Laying
Appearance : Brown Or Olive Colors , Black Markings On The
Head Or Uniformly Black Head
The venom injected in a single bite from this snake is
sufficient to kill 100 adult humans. Up to 2m (6ft)

Is This Answer Correct ?    27 Yes 13 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / sidd

Well, I agree that the Inland Taipan is most poisonous but it is hardly known to have caused human deaths....so what's the use of it's deadly poison???

The King Cobra has a less toxic venom compared drop to drop with that of the taipan but it injects a huge amount with it's bite which is deadly, it is also not reported to have caused too many human deaths coz it is really big and once spotted most people beat a hasty retreat....

I think the most deadly snake is the one which causes most deaths....and that should be the Russell's viper (more than a 1000) and even though it's venom is not as poisonous nor is it's volume that large but because of it's smaller size it is more inconspicious and comes in close proximity of the Humans w/o them noticing....so it has to be the most deadliest snake

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 5 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / chris pittman

The taipan is. get up on your history son!!!!!

Is This Answer Correct ?    16 Yes 11 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / atg/mumbai

Hydrophis Belcheri (a variety of sea snake) reportedly has
venom more toxic that the Inland Taipan, which is very
widely held as the most venomous land (terrestrial) snake.

Is This Answer Correct ?    14 Yes 9 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / deul kolhe

acording to me the most poisonous snake is african black
mamba, because of its flexibility,speed amount of poison
relesed and deadly biting capacity, so dont get bite by
black mamba.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 8 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / varun kelkar

the three are the mostpoisonous snakes in the world in the
regions where they are found,according to the history of
snakes.But the most poisonous snake for a person in the
world is the one which bites him on his toe.

Is This Answer Correct ?    13 Yes 16 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / muzamil hussain mughloo

Black Mamba is the world's most Poisonous snake , It is
located in West and Southern African regions , its
speciality is in its muscles which can get such a
contraction that mamba gets up on its tail and can bite a
person on forehead...

Is This Answer Correct ?    21 Yes 25 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / rahul

i dont care about the toxic level i say the most deadly
snake is one which gets you on the foot

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 18 No

What is the world's most poisonous snake, and where is it located?..

Answer / arijit sinha

According to me, the king cobra is the world's most
poisonous snake. During recent survey conducted by the
National Geographic Channel, the King Cobra is the world's
most poisonous snake. Their poison contains almost 1.8%
more poison than tha Mamba which is second most poisonous
snake in the world

Is This Answer Correct ?    11 Yes 29 No

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