we have paid excess tds amount in 194I 27000/- for f.y.2017-18 now can we adjust the same in upcoming month 2018-19?
Haii My daily wage is 500. And the minimum working days will be 23 in a month. How can i calculate my pf and esi
Is t.d.s deducted on Freight including Service Tax ?
what is prepaid expenses & entry
whether TDS is deducted on internet charges(leased line) and which section does it belong to and if it is applicable then what is the maximum exemption limit?
How filing quarterly return HUF TDS?
what is the full rate of cst/vat of building material ?
when company issue c form to the seller it has to issue full amount of purchases or it has to deduct the 2% of cst amt Ex; purchase for rs.10000/- which includes 40 cst we have to issue c form for rs.9960 or we have to issue for rs.10000/- which one is correct
19 Answers Libratherm Instruments, Mobis India, Wipro,
Igave a cheque of Rs 25000/- to a Professional. Do I deduct TDS on Rs 25000/, then after three months I further pay the same Professional Rs 40000/-.Have I to pay Tds on 25000 Or Rs 65000/- or only Rs 40000/-,Have I to pay interest on delayed payment for Rs 25000/-?
How much in the inter state tax CST For the LPG Stove
if we mentioned vat 12.5% on bill then we print this bill on retail invoice or vat invoice
what is mean by security transaction tax? it considers how during profit calculation of shares trading.
11 Answers Eastman Chemical, ICICI, Wipro,
Hi can any one tell me why the form no 16 a are used and When, where and how to submit it ?