write a c program to find largest of three numbers using simple if only for one time.
What is a macro, and explain how do you use it?
Write a C program to accept a matrix of any size. Find the frequency count of each element in the matrix and positions in which they appear in the matrix
Program to find the absolute value of given integer using Conditional Operators
When a c file is executed there are many files that are automatically opened what are they files?
what is ANSI and ISO
Explain low-order bytes.
Explain what is wrong with this program statement?
WHAT WILL BE OUTPUT OF BELOW CODE . . AND PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW IT COME .. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int k=20; printf("%d%d%d%d",k,k++,++k,k); getch(); }
What are the types of type specifiers?
Differentiate between static and dynamic modeling.
How many main () function we can have in a project?
Write code for atoi(x) where x is hexadecimal string.