what is constructor
Whether site will complete the execution of the script if Fatal error occurs ?
What is $_ post in php?
How to connect to mysql from a php script?
How can we know the count/number of elements of an array?
how to register website in internet
Is php dying 2018?
How can we convert the time zones using PHP?
How do you use end in python?
1.Where are the sessions storing ? 2.What are the contents of a session file ? 3.If the server is loaded with too many session files there is a possibility of server crash. How can we solve this issue? 4. How does php server identify that the particular session belongs to particular user ? For ex: If two users A and B logged from different machine, separate session files (say 1 and 2) will be created in the server. But how the php knows that 1 belongs to A and 2 belongs to B ?
Is php the same as html?
How can we register the variables into a session?
Is empty check in php?