Dearlers Margin Received for Direct sale from our Creditor, that TDS deducted for us.
How to accounting in my records in Tally ERP 9
what is out put sale tax and in put sale tax?
How do we use C-Form.
what is service tax rate of work contract in f.y.2012-2013 and what is compos ion scheme and normal scheme
What is the penalty of non payment or late payment of Service Tax, VAT, TDS?
What is Labour Cess? Pl. define. & what is rate of Labour cess.
what is the rate of income tax, if a person gets 200000 per annum, what are entries in tally? what is the income tax to be deducted?
Define financial year?
how to calculate cst. give me example
what is the amount of t.d.s if one get 4000/- monthly from a company on behalf of consultancy charges.
i want basic formula to find vat 4% from the total bill
What is the meaning of "ROC"? pls give detail information regarding ROC procedure.
wct rate all over india state wise
5 Answers DVWS, Jindal Steel and Power, Retail Hub,