when we calculate the inclusive Tax for Room in Hotel then we first Calculate luxury Tax and the what is the Balance Amount renaming on that We calculating Service Tax is it correct?
Answer / abhivirthi tax and industrial
Some Lodging Houses will issue Accommodation receipts to aggregate amount i.e. including Luxury Tax. If tax is not shown separately the luxury tax element and Accommodation Rent amount has to be arrived applying the following formula.
Rate of Luxury Tax X Aggregate Accommodation Rent
100 + Rate of Luxury Tax
By using the above formula, the rate of the Accommodation Room Rent and Luxury Tax will be separated and after arrival of the rate of Accommodation Room Rent, divide by Number of Days and the actual rate will be available.
For example the rate of Luxury Tax is 10% and the Lodge Owner collects Rs. 1000.00 including Luxury Tax for one day stay, the Luxury Tax and Accommodation Rent per day may be arrived as shown below:
10 X 1000.00 90.91 is 10% Luxury Tax
818.19 is the Accommodation Rent
1000.00 is the Total Bill including 10%
--------- Luxury Tax
Reply from:
ABHIVIRTHI Tax and Industrial Consultancy
R.R. Jagadeesan
H-63, Palaami Enclave, New Natham Road,
Cell: 9994990599
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