My client has not filled income tax return for ay-2013-14
What is turnover limit for Auditing of Service Tax, VAT, Income Tax, Provident Fund, P. Tax and WCT? Please mail me at gautam_ch2 @ or call me at 09831707812.
709,001 690,388 940,645 46,435 16,651 8,316 755,436 707,039 948,961 3.17% 2.98% 2.53% 3.66% 1.31% 0.66% solve it
calculation of Tds on subcontractor
If a nri buys property in india, does he has to pay property tax?
material sale seller to buyer, seller give to material to buyer against Form H, so what benefit to seller to submit Form H for vat purpose.
what is it calculated.example i purchased much percent charged post entry
i am working as an accountant. i forgot to deduct the TDS of one employee in year 2010-11 of Rs.1141/-. Now what is the procedure or solution for it?
how we can calculate the withholding tax for company? who will bear the tax?
How to file the CST return and which form is use.
0 Answers Bharat Bazar, Skyline,
company want to me deduct tds, i have pan if i need tan number.if yes kindly explain why?
I am working as account in one of the logistics company for one year. I would like to know about service tax and how can I post necessary entries
the TDS rates and Income rates are equal in calculation of the salary and please send the IT slab rates for the employees and comapnies.