Home furniture sold goods to Jhon for 150000 on 10th march 2015, due to damage occured in transmit rs 20000 worth of goods have been returned on 16th march 2015. What is the journal entry for both the instances ?
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Answer / rafeeq ahmed
10th march 2015 By sales a/c Dr 150000
16 th march 2015By goods in transit a/c Dr. 20000
To cash a/c 130000.
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Answer / a. m
cash a/c Dr 130000
goods in transit a/c Dr. 20000
To sales a/c Cr 150000
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From the following particulars taken on 31 December, 1995, you are required to prepare a bank reconciliation statement to reconcile the bank balance shown in the Cash Book with that shown in the Pass Book: (i) Balance as per Pass Book on 31 December, 1995, O/D Rs 1,027. (ii) Four cheques drawn on 31 December but not cleared till January are as follows: Rs 12; Rs 1,021; Rs 98; and Rs 113. (iii) Interest on O/D not entered in Cash Book Rs 51. (iv) Three cheques received on 30 December and entered in the bank column of the Cash Book but not lodged in bank for collection till 3 January next: Rs 1,160; Rs 2,100; and Rs 2,080. (v) Cost of cheque book, Pass Book, etc; Rs 1.50 entered twice erroneously in Cash Book in November. (vi) A Bill Receivable for Rs 250 due on 29 December, 1995 was passed to the bank for collection on 28 December, 1990 and was entered in Cash Book forthwith whereas the proceeds were credited in the Pass Book only in January following. (vii) Chamber of Commerce subscription Rs 10 paid by bank on 1 December, 1990 had not been entered in the Cash Book. (viii) Bank charges of Rs 5 had been debited in the pass book twice erroneously. . . . plz be fast
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