What are packages and name a few?
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packages are separate naming context fora group of classes
and interfaces.It provides a high layer of access
protection and name space management.Theya re also used to
organise related classes and interfaces into a single API
unit and to control the accessibility of these classes and
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Answer / chandrarekha
collection of classes and interfaces which can be reused in
other applications are called packages...
user defined packages can also be created
package <name>
//class or interface definitions....
class A
class B
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Answer / vijayakumar chinnasamy
Collection of class and interfaces stored under specific
name is called as packages.
eg: ArrayList,Vector,HashTable are class available in the
packahe java.util.
some of the packages are,
java.lang, java.io,
java.util,javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.. etc.
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Answer / puneet
package is just a namespace under which the
classes,interfaces are kept and they on the filesystem where
the application is running are just a folder and maintains
the files anf folders and help us to implement the
inheritance stuff and you can have 2 files with the same
name in two different packages which should clash, you can
call the class with full name packagage1.classname
Note Web-inf folders,Lib folders are not packages.
java.lang, java.util,java.io;
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