What is deserialization and how do we do deserialization?
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Deserialization is a process of retrieving object from byte stream. We have to fallow below steps for de-serialization
1. The object to be serialized need to implement java.io.Serializable interface.
2. It will use Java’s default serialization mechanism.
3. Generate serial version id for that serializable object.
4. Only default constructor is applicable to all class hierarchy (from child to all super classes if any). It is necessary at deserialization otherwise throw InvalidClassException.
5. Generate serial version UID for all super classes in hierarchy (all super classes if any) otherwise the properties of all its super classes will be assigned to its default value during deserializtion.
6. ObjectInputStream is used to read [readObject()] object.
7. FileInputStream is used to read from flat file.
8. The flat file extension should be (<file-name>.ser)
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Here is updated answer
Deserialization is a process of retrieving object from byte stream. We have to fallow below steps for de-serialization
1. The object to be serialized need to implement java.io.Serializable interface.
2. It will use Java’s default serialization mechanism.
3. Generate serial version id for that serializable object.
4. Generate serial version UID for all super classes in hierarchy (all super classes if any) otherwise the properties of all its super classes will be assigned to its default value during deserializtion.
5. ObjectInputStream is used to read [readObject()] object.
6. FileInputStream is used to read from flat file.
7. The flat file extension should be (<file-name>.ser)
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Deserialization is a process of retrieving object from byte stream. We have to fallow below steps for de-serialization
1. The object to be serialized need to implement java.io.Serializable / java.io. Externalizable interface.
2. Generate serial version id for that serializable object.
3. ObjectInputStream is used to read [readObject() or readExternal()] object.
4. FileInputStream is used to read from flat file.
5. The flat file extension should be (<file-name>.ser)
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