in sbi associate biodata form,what we have to write under column "indicate faculty " under class x?
Hi friends i shortlisted for the sbi clerical interview.I have interview on may 6th,Bangalore.Can anybody have interview before this date plz inform me.
8 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hai everyone, Is there any SBM colleagues... What is the progress for our appointment.. SBH had received letter for medical test... Waat about others? Wat about SBM? iam very much tensed,... would anyone help me please.... Iam selected for SBM tamilnadu...
12 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
what is capital adequacy ratio?
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
will duplicate certificate is accepted by bank in case of loss of original certificate of class 12 cbse in interview
Hi friends i am M.Ponraj, i have been selected for the post of Sorting Assistant in RMS'T'Division(Tiruchirapalli), Department of Posts, India on December 29th 2009. In trichy division 23 candidates were selected and 10 of them were given induction training and they are to be posted in trichy division. I am waiting for the induction training. In the mean time i got selected in the SBI-Clerk written exam and attended the interview for it in Chennai on 26th April 2010. Any one selected as Sorting Assistant in RMS attended SBI-Clerk interview on april or may 2010. If so Please mail me to Thanks, M.Ponraj (+91-9655975726) 22nd May 2010
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hi friends!I am sudhanshu.I have my sbi interview on 27th may 2009 in lucknow.I just want to know that how many vacancies are there in state bank of patiala for general category.My id is
When does a state bank day celebrated?
2 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hello All..!!! I have cleared Canara bank clerical written exam and my interview is scheduled on June 25th at bengaluru... Has anyone got an idea as to how the interview would be. Areas to be concenrated more?
Hi all, While I'm applying for the written exam wrongly I gave as general and later I came to know bef the interview tht I'm BC:(..I got proper singatures at the back of the call letter..but while interviewing me they dint consder tht.Will it be a negative for me during the selection and under which category i'll be considered Can any one guide me regarding this.
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
Hi,there,this is amber goel ,i have register in sbi for the post of clerical & written test will being held on dated 08-11-2009,this is my second chance,so i want to favour from your side for some general knowledge questions which help to me for cleared the written test for sbi and so feel free write to me on to me,pls hurry,i may lost this chance also.
what is monetary policy
7 Answers SEBI, State Bank Of India SBI,