compare your school teachers to college profesors ?
How do you perform under pressure ??
your perception on ayodhya issue ? the decision given by high court is it right. why ? why not ? what should be the right decision ?
how 2 prepare for cds-1 ota sugest some books
7 Answers CDS, Tata Indicom, UPSC,
Would you like to work with information or with people? Why?
should women be granted permanent commision in army or not"?
Why have you chosen to study this branch of etc ?
If senior officer says jump from a height of 20 feet what would you do gentlemen ?
12 Answers CDS, Indian Army, SSB,
What do your parents think about your applying for defence ??
do you belive in casteism ? positive pointsof casteism & negative points of casteism ??
what is punching?
Why did you choose math ??
describe the ideal officer ?