why you not qualified even one CDS exam ?? (only for direct entry)
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why india making ties with iran
what all other activities you did and what benefit you enjoyed of such activities your special achievement in details? Relate your experience and difficulties faced ?
why you like salman khan ?
how do you check someone's honesty ?
Why is there some gap in studies between 11th & 12th ?
ifyou were required to organize a team & execute the mountain climbing task & execute the mountain climbing task,where would you like to be ?& why what all the activities you would take responsibility ??
Union Public Service Commission Combined Defence Services Exam February 2005 Question Paper
1 Answers CDS, Central Police Forces, CPF, NDA,
how you organize marrige of cousin sister with thehelp of friends if the uncle makes the money available ??& what will you do if bridegroom party threaten to leave on the final ??
how to check somebody's honesty?
Reasons and views on fall of currency value in India ?
did you ever steal? If so when and why ?relate the full instance ?