if the lengths of two wires are same and the area of cross
sections is 4:7 then what will be the ratio of current passing
through these wires
ORA-01273: STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT = AUTO needs COMPATIBLE = string or higher
ORA-36402: (XSSPROP03) The property '$string' requires a leading "$" because it is a system-reserved property name.
ORA-33447: (ESDREAD16) Discarding compiled code for workspace object because workspace object and workspace object, which were partition-dependent when the code was compiled, are now not partition-dependent.
ORA-37076: (XSMCSESS04) workspace object is not the type of dimension that can have session-only values. Valid types are TEXT and NTEXT.
ORA-00107: failed to connect to ORACLE listener process
ORA-32507: expecting string but found string
SQL*Loader-00431: illegal NULLIF or DEFAULTIF clause specified for nested table column string
ORA-32033: unsupported column aliasing
TNS-04087: Unable to shutdown atleast one of the gateways.
ORA-26061: Concurrent direct unloads is not allowed.
ORA-10583: Can not recovery file string renamed as missing during test recovery
ORA-26710: incompatible version marker encountered during Capture