Define and explain COM?

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / riddhi

COM is a specification of how to build the components that
link with each other dynamically. It provides the standard
that the component should follow to ensure that they
operate with each other.
Benefits of COM
1) Language Independence: components can be written in any
language and can link with the other component written in
different language. So the component doesnt become obselete
as new prog languages evolve
2)Customizing applications: application is no longer static
entity since new modules can be easily added or existing
can be modified.
3)Distributed Applications: Its easier with COM as
applications is already fragmented in components. component
can be replaced by the remote component on local m/c that
fwd request over n/w to actual component.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 7 No

Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / chandrasekharreddy siddamreddy

COM is a specification, set of rules, to develope the
binaries( either DLL or EXE or OCX ).

If you follw the rules provided by the COM you will get the
following benifits
1. Language Indipendent
2. Location Transperency
3. Version compatability

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / rajesh kumar sitaraman

COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft
Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software
components to communicate. COM is used by developers to
create re-usable software components, link components
together to build applications, and take advantage of
Windows services.

Is This Answer Correct ?    23 Yes 13 No

Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / deepak

COM (Component Object Model) technology in the Microsoft
Windows-family of Operating Systems enables software
components to communicate. COM is used by developers to
create re-usable software components, link components
together to build applications, and take advantage of
Windows services.

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / khali

claims are not backed with riliable evidence

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / shan

component object module is com.It defines standard binary
interface between object modules.this interface defines the
function calling methodology standardised structure.

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / rameshnaidu

Interface between the component and application.can be
easily upgraded on network.

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Define and explain COM? ..

Answer / admasu

Describe Com.

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