Can you run the product development on all operating
systems ?
What is an example of a boolean?
What is the is a and has a relation ship in oops concept in java?
Where we write javascript code in html page?
What is boolean keyword in java?
Can we add two byte variables and assign the result to a byte variable ? b=b1+b2 where b,b1,b2 are byte types
Is Constructor possible in abstract class in java ?
Is java platform independent?
What is the formula to calculate percentage?
For ease of programming you can consider the maze as a 2D array with colors represented by below integer and characters (in capital letters). • B - Black • W -White • G- Green • R- Red R B W B W W W W W W B W B B W W W W W W W B W B W W W B W W W W B B W W W B W W W B W W B B B B W B W B W W B W W W B W W W B B B W W B W W W B W W B W B W W W B W B W W W W B B W W W W B W W W W W G Shortest Route Problem: • Solution that finds the shortest Route between Red and Green  White will have 1 Weight.  Red and Green carry no weights.  Shortest path is the path with less weight when you add up the weights in the path.
How do you make an arraylist empty in java?
What is the difference between delete and delete[]
What are the advantages of arraylist over arrays?