exp: bricks 4000*5% =200 is input it can be add GP @ 10%.
So it cane be 200*10% = 220 output
Then 220-200 = we pay only 20.
It is correct or not
What do you mean by fair rent?
What is the Penalty/Interest charges if non-payment before due date for IT,TDS,ADVANCE TAX,VAT,ST,EXCISE DUTY,PT,ST.PF,ESI?very urgent.
Is VAT & CST should be charged on Freight charges or not.
15 Answers LGC Promochem, Rajat Cement, RCC Laboratories India Private Limited,
For what Purpose we should pay Profession Tax? After paying Profession Tax we can get benefit for personnel return filling? If Yes? than where?
when Form-16 and Form-11 issued? what is difference in these two?
service tax
How anyone calculate HRA exemption from taxable salary for Exam. HRA is 12000 and rent paid is 11500 and total salary is 50000 thousand???????? plz. clear with example!!
how to do T.D.S entries in account books
how to fill tds monthly form i.e. form 281?
We are the manufacturing unit & we have Excise Registration no also. My Question is what is Ex. Duty & why we take Excise Registration.
when we reqiure C form from Party?
What's format of CMO & CMA Data?