what is the actual use of pure agent in tally erp 9 and why
we use in tally .and what is the role of pure agent
when sales made in 2% cst against c-form, the buyer issue the c form to the seller, what the seller made on these c form , how can the seller benefited by the c form?
housing loan principal upto 1 lac is exempted from tax is it diffrent from exemption u/s 80c
Which form we use for depositing TDS?
what are capital gains,explaine briefly.
A individual advocate recievs legal fees. is he liable to pay service tax @ 12.36% on it?
what is tds and what is what is the current rate of tds on payment of contract and payment of professional charges
What are the capital gains exempt from Tax?
Penalty if TDS Returns not submitted on time?
When tds should be paid to govt.? on provison of particular expense in com's book or after payment is made to party for that particular expense.
sir, can you give me clarification briefly how to capitalized and which one capitalized
Which form used for registration in GST?
what is sevice tax present rate
23 Answers AP Forest Academy, Capital IQ, Manufacturing, Weather Star,