Why you need job change?
Discuss the view that there is no one-on-one correspondence between the form of word and its function.
hi has anybody faced SBI associates PO GDPI? mine is on 29th. please share
0 Answers State Bank Of India SBI,
how many name can u make of this ' Hena'
what is the diffreence between sales insurance and other marketing ?
0 Answers Max Newyork Life Insurance,
how could male chauvinists be changed?! suggest some ideas to avoid women being ill-treated..
24th may is famous for what?
parliament number of m.p's? number of m.l.a's of state? a person who was worked as a c.m of a state,lok sabha speaker and president of india? what is direct banking, indirect banking? what is inflation? first women governor of india? what is big bang,chandrayan? what is atomic no.,focal lenth? what r the banking functions? what is c.r.r? what do you know about vitamins?
I don't know fluent English because i studied in Kannada medium school , but my aim want to do job in BPO Companies but nobody not giving chance to me how can i improve my self ....
'Role model'it means
I have complited EEE, I like to work only automobile company side only. what i need to do...? please help me
what are the challanges for banks in future as how to compete with public banks how to fight with inflation how to maintain the eco. growth in respect of SEBI & RBI regulations.