What are Nissl bodies?
What artery does the anterior inferior cerebellar artery branch off of?
Does the liver arise from neural crest (ectoderm), mesoderm, or endoderm?
How many vertebrae are there in each region?
Are D2 neurons in the basal ganglia inhibitory or excitatory?
Is the mammillary body part of the limbic system?
What 4 movements are lost in a lesion of the median nerve?
How does a bicornate uterus form?
What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?
What is the 'gap' between the myelination segment of 2 Schwann cells called?
What is the response of an eosiniphil to antigen antibody complexes?
What are the 3 classic symptoms of Horner's syndrome?
What nerve innervates most of the 'glossus' muscles and which is the exception?