Can I use a single way bill for 1 vehicle dispatching
material from multiple consigners to a single consignee???
What do you mean by fair rent?
What is the difference between 24Q and 26Q form of tds
What is Stock Reconciliation Statement , why we make the Stock Reconciliation Statement.
Which form we use for depositing Advance Tax
I have appered for the interview of IOCL on 09/08/2008 for the post of Accouts Officer can any one tell me when the result will be announced.
how we creat e-vat return in tally for punjab
A Service provided has provided bill amounting rs. 100000 dt. 30/04/2013 & i have paid amount with 30000 Rs. as on 24/5/2013, & 20000 paid on 7/6/2013 & rest of the amount has been paid as on 15/6/2013 then on which amount TDS has been deducted. may it deducted on Bill amount or payment amount? If bill amount then at which date TDS entry should be done ? & if on Payment date then which date. and if i want to compute interest for late payment of TDS then Which date should be consider for interest payment computation. Do the needful for the same.
while making payment for our Forein supplier against import. wheather we have to deduct TDS while remitting payment towards his bills.
What is turnover limit for Auditing of Service Tax, VAT, Income Tax, Provident Fund, P. Tax and WCT? Please mail me at gautam_ch2 @ or call me at 09831707812.
what diff. between Account ,Commerce and Finance?
Assume in a company during the financial year 8 computers has been sold for Rs 68000/- . whether TDS on Income should be deducted from the payment or what?