How about integrating an iKode Newsletter Server at my
independent Wordpress blog site? I just wanna visitort can
subscribe my blog when they like it and I can send some
interested articles or events to them regularly to establish
good relationship.
How to check a key exist in an array?
Tell me how to execute an sql query? How to fetch its result?
How to randomly retrieve a value from an array?
How break and continue while loop in php?
Tell me what are the __construct() and __destruct() methods in a php class?
Explain some of the php string functions?
i want to store retrieved data from database into an array list with limit.And display the data from that array list.have any answer for this?
Who is the father of php?
How to apply Cake php ajax pagination?
What is an abstract class in php?
What is get method in java?
what is this error "Call to unsupported or undefined function mysql_connect();" and when you will get this?