Consider earth's equator is covered with a measuring tape touching the ground such both the ends touch each other. if the tape is lifted 1 meter from the ground, what would be the distance between two ends of tape?
One man driving his car over dark night on hard concrete stone road in a forest. His bad faith that his car pings with long ore needles of concrete henceforth his all 4 tyres got punctured. How he might have tackled his problem? please guess answers & post
What is time?
list and describe the three types of transformer?
What does the mev in mev photon mean?
Distinguish between optical and acoustic resonance.
What is meant by reflection of waves?
Explain how is nuclear fission different from nuclear fusion?
Why does a semicondctor act as an insulator at 0'k and why its conductivity increases with increasing temperature?
Explain what is the difference between diffraction and interference?
Describe the Working of the Telephone?
What is Variable Velocity ?
I want to prepare a frequency generator. the specifications i.e. output requirements are 12V, 1-10A & frequency upto 1K to 5K. Please, inform me with proper circuit dig. & the component values.