The employee runs big client-server applications and must
quickly transfer large files. The company wants the best
cost/benefit on this connection.
What would be the most practical solution?
Wen ever i use IE=createObject (Ineternetexplorer.application) QTP just navigates to the URL mentioned but doesn't recognise the USErname and Password field so the test fails.. But wen i just record and use system.util "iexplore" the code recognises and the tst passes, but here it works fine sometimes and sometimes the test just fails and aftersometime i run it works.. so its not consistent,,, any suggestion
My question is in FLASH I will take 10 or 5 questions and last I will give my username and password and also I will give score to the answers which user submitted and that too the score and details of of the user should come in separate file, this entire thing should be done in Flash only. Is it possibe?
well i dont have toefl and gre scor all that stuff, and i have 7 backlogs, tell me the chances of getting the visa.
I had started working on QTP, but i am facing an problem of object not found while run the test script, pls help in out of this problem ..?
write a program whose output will be- 1 12 123 1234 12345 in assembly language
how do i copy first 10 records from one sequntial file to another sequential file by using JCL program?
How can be avoid the Error while being Human we do mistakes???
What is the IIS, and why we use it?
how many profit center can we assig to material master
hi all, I am in the process of learning qtp. i havve windows vista in my system whenever i try to run flight reservation application , i am getting the following error "Operation must use an updateable query Fractional truncation (null) . And am unable to open Mercury tours web application due to some other error Can anyone help me please
what is infopakage error
how to overload main method in java?